Ghanaian music sensation King Paluta, known for his exceptional rap skills, has successfully transitioned into the world of singing, delivering hit after hit in recent times. The talented artist, who initially gained fame for his witty and versatile rap style, has now found a new calling in singing, and it’s paying off remarkably.
King Paluta |
In a recent interview on "Convo with the Head" hosted by Kwadwo Sheldon at the Kwadwo Sheldon Studios, King Paluta opened up about his journey from rapping to singing. He shared that his decision to explore singing was met with immense success, leading to back-to-back hits like "Aseda" and "Makoma." The positive reception and success of his singing career have encouraged him to focus more on this new direction.
"I started experimenting with singing, and the response has been overwhelming. The singing is doing good, and I feel this is the right path for me now," King Paluta revealed during the interview. He further mentioned that fans can look forward to an album this year, as he is fully committed to pursuing his newfound passion.
King Paluta also touched on his recent international experiences, highlighting the countries he has visited since he embraced singing. He mentioned that his music has taken him to the United Kingdom and Germany, where he has performed and connected with fans. The artist is also set to visit Amsterdam soon, as he continues to expand his reach and share his music with a global audience.
As King Paluta continues to evolve as an artist, his ability to seamlessly transition from rap to singing demonstrates his versatility and commitment to his craft. Fans eagerly await his upcoming album, which promises to showcase the full range of his musical talents. With his eyes set on international success, King Paluta is undoubtedly one of the most exciting artists to watch in the Ghanaian music scene today.
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